May 09, 2007

Puppy, Fuzzy & Goat pictures...and a siezure.

Here's some pictures from the 8th.

This is Puppy. Well he's really not a puppy anymore. He's about 2 years old and we've had him for about a year or a little over. He was a stray that would come to our house and eat the cat food. Then we finally got to let him inside for a little bit during the day when it was winter. At that time when he first started coming around we had Goofy so he'd play with Goofy.

These are pictures of my goat.

And here's Fuzzy.

When I was posting my blog on MySpace, Puppy had a siezure. That's like the 3rd one he's ever had. I just can't deal with that anymore though. Usually I'm the only one around him when he starts with them so I have to yell to get people to get off their ass to even ask me what's going on. But this time he came out of the kitchen (I was in the living room) trying to walk like but it was hard for him and he ended up inf ront of the sofa and when I was yelling for my mom Puppy heard her coming from the hall and went over to the hall. My mom had to hang up the phone (she was talking to my aunt) and told Frank (My brother) to get a cold wash cloth from the bathroom. I guess the wash cloth helped though because not even like 5 minutes after Puppy had stopped with it my grandpa came in the door and Puppy was up barking at him and everything.

Today was that stupid auction. Waste of time really. It was basiclly in the sun all day and there was no where to sit or even put chairs. I left at 8:30am and didn't get to my aunts until 4pm....and I didn't get home until like 7:30pm. It just sucked so much. And tomorrow I guess I don't have a life because I have to help my aunt go through all the stuff. It'll take a couple days I guess and well I'm not giving up my weekend because that's the only time Ryan & I get to really be like a couple.

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